


IT PRO CORPORATE CHOICE 2023頒獎典禮已於1月12日圓滿結束,當天雲集企業及科技界頂尖人物,更邀得政府創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉女士致開幕辭,香港立法會資訊科技界邱達根議員分享IT業界最新發展,以及香港電腦學會主席 / 中銀香港CIO鄭松岩博士頒發CIO AWARD大獎。今屆一共頒發12個專項獎及1個CIO AWARD大獎,全經14位評審挑選,實至名歸,在此恭賀各得獎企業。



  • 香港立法會資訊科技界 – 邱達根議員
  • 香港電腦學會主席 鄭松岩博士
  • 海闊天空創投聯合創辦人及管理合夥人 文立先生
  • 香港都會大學CIO 張景勝博士
  • 應科院CEO 葉成輝博士
  • 建華集團CIO 黎柏豪先生
  • 智慧城市聯盟主席 楊文銳先生
  • 香港電腦學會網絡安全專家小組委員 / 資訊保安主管 余法昌先生
  • 職業訓練局數碼總監 許仁強博士
  • 八達通產品部總監 葉勁生先生
  • 煤氣公司企業資訊科技總監 孫淑貞女士
  • 香港迪士尼數碼科技及數據副總裁 陳殷俊先生
  • 中港網絡安全協會主席 葉青陽先生
  • 應科院人工智能及可信技術首席總監 張偉倫先生
Acclaimed as Microsoft Security Partner of the Year 2023, Amidas specializes in threat protection, information protection and governance, modernizing endpoints and Cloud Security.
Therefore™ Online is Canon’s AI-empowered information management system. It allows businesses to store, manage, and process various types of business information seamlessly.
DYXnet network solution incorporates AI, Big Data, and digital humans to automate operations and management. It provides intelligent services such as AI alarms, visual monitoring reports, intelligent fault diagnosis and self-healing security features.
The Fortinet AI-Powered Security Operations platform integrates behavior-based sensors to detect and disrupt threat actors across the attack surface and along the cyber kill chain. Centralized investigation and remediation can be orchestrated, automated, and/or augmented to reduce cyber risk, cost, and operational effort.
The GoGBA digital platform has been enhanced with new features. Theseinclude a variety of business utilities such as a 183-day travel stay counter, GPS-enabled emergency services, an interactive map, weather forecasts, and a cross-border transport schedule, and the HKTDC chatbot. Since its launch in 2021, the GoGBA digital platform has reached nearly 1.5 million total traffic.
HP Dragonfly G4 is a premium laptop designed for professionals who prioritize style, performance, and security. With its ultra-light weight design starting at less than 1kg, it is highly portable. The laptop features a 13.5” diagonal WUXGA display with a touch panel option. It also provides optimal battery life by adapting to your environment with HP Power Manager, ensuring uninterrupted productivity. 
HPE GreenLake simplifies and accelerates your business by delivering a cloud experience wherever your apps and data live – edge, data center, colos, and public clouds. It operates on a pay-as-you-go model and runs on an open and secure edge-to-cloud platform, providing the flexibility needed to explore new opportunities.
OceanDisk Smart Disk Enclosure is a standard storage component deployed in the diskless architecture of data centers. It is specially designed for cloud and Internet data centers as an alternative to storage and compute integrated servers. It provides a fast and highly reliable storage resource pool.
The Juniper Mist AI Platform enhances networking by providing predictability, reliability and measurability, along with unprecedented visibility into the user experience. Time- consuming manual IT tasks are replaced with AI-driven proactive automation and self-healing capabilities, resulting in reduced networking operational costs and significant time and cost savings.
MTC foldable and liftable display features a sleek and slim body design, along with excellent image quality. Its foldable design significantly reduces the packaging size by nearly 50%, making it more compact. Additionally, it is easy to move to different locations, which makes it an ideal choice for conference rooms, exhibitions, events and school classrooms.
Based on advanced Software Defined Networking technology, TP-Link Omada cloud Wi-Fi 7 solution provides a centralized cloud management platform to uniformly control Wi-Fi 10G AP, 10G Business VPN Gateway, and 10G Managed Stackable Layer 3 Switch, which is sufficient to meet the application needs of different enterprises.
Equipped with AI detection, TP-Link VIGI series surveillance network cameras can capture various scenes accurately by pre-setting detection rules. In dim or nighttime environments, VIGI’s ColorPro Night Vision technology penetrates the darkness and records clear images.
海闊天空創投聯合創辦人及管理合夥人文立 (右),頒發Best Modern Workplace Security Solution Provider予Amidas Hong Kong Limited代表。
香港電腦學會網絡安全專家小組委員 / 資訊保安主管余法昌先生 (右),頒發The Best AI-driven Security Operations Solutions予Fortinet香港、澳門及蒙古區域總監馮玉明。
邱達根議員 (右) 頒發The Best Cloud and Internet DC Storage奨座予華為香港企業業務部副總經理鄧昭健。
Juniper Networks香港及澳門總經理陳家和從邱達根議員 (右) 手中,獲受Best AI Driven Enterprise Solution – Juniper Mist AI Platform奨座。
香港迪士尼數碼科技及數據副總裁陳殷俊先生 (右),頒發Best GBA Business Support Programe予HKTDC的GoGBA One-stop Platform
煤氣公司企業資訊科技總監孫淑貞女士 (右) 頒發最佳混合雲獎項予HPE GreenLake方案。
中港網絡安全協會主席葉青陽 (右) 頒贈Professional ColorPro Night Vision IP Camera獎座予IP-Link解決案與服務總監Daniel Zhou。
香港電腦學會主席 / 中銀香港CIO鄭松岩博士作為CIO AWARD頒獎嘉賓,分享挑選科技產品要求,最重要是有後續發展、支援及穩定性。
由14位頂級評審1人1票投選的CIO AWARD大獎,最後Huawei OceanDisk Smart Disk Enclosure以一票之差,勝出奪得大獎。華為香港戰略與市場營銷副行政總裁黃家恒 (右) 上台接受祝賀。
大會特設大型流動LED Wall,展示活動宣傳照及內容。



Benny Yeung ~ 企業IT傳媒人,經常四周穿梭科技巨企及論壇,熱愛探討新商機。性格貪玩,但喜歡閱讀沉悶的企業賺蝕數字,最重視辦事效率。